Are you a person with a learning difference (DSA) who wants to improve your English language skills? No problem, the TPR method is widely used for language learning and involves interactive lessons and activities.
With this approach, you can learn English without feeling singled out or needing specific accommodations, and you can have fun with your classmates.
Fun and Fitness Language Practice Center also offers English training courses for Italian teachers who work with DSA students.
Learning by actively engaging in tasks
We are always interacting with our environment using different senses :
- sight
- hearing
- smell (smelling)
- touch (feeling)
- taste
( Knowledge is constructed , not transmitted, as a result of experiencing with the environment ).

Fun & Fitness Language Practice Center ©
in collaboration with Friends of Europe A.P.S.
Via Canal Grande, 46 – 48018 Faenza (Ravenna)
Fiscal code: 90029010395
VAT number: 02423610399